Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Goin' Batty and Just a Workin' on Our Numbers...

We are busy studying nocturnal animals in our room.  I am really trying to differentiate the work because I am working with PPCD kiddos and Kindergarten Resource...all on different levels and with different needs. I've also realized that my students LOVE all things fall/Halloween...which is great because I do too!  

We have read bat books, made a bat poster (that corresponds with our bat emergent reader) and made precious bat crafts!  We are just going "batty" in my room! Ha! Love it!

If you are interested in my bat emergent reader or bat craft they are available on TpT...
We have also been working extremely hard on numbers 1-10 by creating ten frames and using a number line...
These precious little numbers came from the number cards in Cara Carroll's Don't Forget My Number packet...I just cut out the numbers from the Anchor Chart poster pages! Super cute!

I also wanted to make a large ten frame that I could have out at all times...so I made one on the floor using some of that adorable duct tape that is out!  I have decided that I can change out the manipulatives that I am using in it to match each thematic unit!

A few of my teacher friends at school and I have developed a serious LOVE for chalkboard art...some might say we've developed an obsession with it!  I am so in love with it I purchased a HUGE chalkboard at a trade days and the darn thing wouldn't fit in my suv (this might be have something to do with the fact that it was already loaded down with goodies that may or may not have been purchased by myself and another sweet teacher friend) !  One of the other sweet teachers had to carry it back to town in her car!  Thank goodness for sweet friends who also have a love for chalkboards!  
Speaking of chalkboards, the sweet friend of mine who kindly brought my chalkboard back also taught me how to "cure" a chalkboard!  Did you know you had to cure those darn things??? Yeah, me neither!  According to Cara Carroll, (I don't want to take credit for this but I do want others to know this fabulous advice!!) you should take a piece of chalk and lay it on it's side.  Then you rub the chalk all over the chalkboard...kind of like doing a crayon rubbing!  This will help you avoid ruining your chalkboard by having lil' remnants of your first drawing remaining on your precious chalkboard!
This board was drawn by my precious friend Lori!  She is awesome!

Sight Words
My lil' man also gave me an AHA moment the other day at school...I don't know about you but I am always looking for new ways to work on sight words!  Well my sweet lil' man was playing with the large foam blocks in my room and said to me "Mama, tell me if you can read this word?"...he likes to play like he's the teacher and I'm the student...

Isn't that so clever?? Sometimes our best ideas come from kiddos! Love it!

What fun things are you doing for the autumn season?  Do you have any tips on sight word instruction?? I would love to hear them!
Have a great week!
Brandy K.

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